Church members are a vital part of the body of Christ here at Vintage Faith
Become a Member
A church member, first and foremost, is dedicated to following Jesus as Lord and living a Biblical lifestyle.
To be a Vintage Faith Church leader you must first be a member. Once you are a member, you will hear more directly from the lead pastor and staff about the vision and mission of the church.
Members are invited to participate in our family meeting, which is an annual review of the church’s progress. Members vote to affirm church council members and major financial decisions of the church.
A church member is someone who:
Regularly participates
Regularly serves
Regularly gives
Steps to Membership:
Attend a membership meeting or watch the Membership Meeting Video
Apply to be a member
Take the Spiritual Gifts Survey
Meet with a staff pastor for confirmation
Spiritual Gifts Survey & Resources
Please take our Spiritual Gifts Survey
It’s no-cost for you because our church has already paid for the Survey
Learn more about your Spiritual Gifts to better serve Jesus, our church and community.