Houseless Outreach

46,260 people are housless in the Los Angeles area. Our church is committed to loving the city and one of our greatest needs is the unhoused crisis.

Help the Houseless

Help the Houseless Now

LA-HOP is a trusted organization that goes in and helps people off the street. Make a request and a professional will follow up with the person(s) in need.

Tips - The more info about the houseless person the better. If you can get the phone number of the person that is ideal.

Request LA-HOP to help someone right now.

St. Joseph Center

The St. Josephs Center is an organization that focuses on housing, mental health, and education. Our church supports the St. Jospeh Center monthly as a part of our way to love the city. If you know someone who needs housing and community resources please click “Learn More”.

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