Laundry Love

Brightening the lives of hundreds of people through love, dignity, and detergent

“If I had clean clothes people would treat me like a human being”

-  T-Bone (Eric), Laundry Love Co-Founder

Serving our community by providing $500 in coins for washing machines and dryers, with free laundry detergent and softener.

Laundry Love is about people joining together.

  • Through the neutral space of a laundromat, every guest and stranger can become a friend. This idea tears at the labeled constructs of “us” and “them” and erodes the societal, economic and cultural divides that separate people.

  • Laundry Love seeks to pull neighbors out of neighborhoods and encourage everyday hospitality and rebuilding or rekindling trust within a community through human care. Unity, built by selfless concern and consistency.

  • Laundry Love calls us to live lives that return. Laundry Love is not meant to be a one-off effort. It’s a commitment. A life that returns is a practice of love.

  • Laundry Love is not a service project or something you “do to” “or for” people. It’s an expression of living “with” others.

2nd Sunday of the Month


The Laundry Room
4400 S Slauson Ave
Culver City, CA 90230

Every 3rd Wednesday


Clean Tide laundry
1000 Venice Blvd
Venice, CA 90291

Laundry Love Guidelines

Laundry Love Guidelines:

  1. Be respectful of property inside and out.

  2. Be respectful of all community members, staff and volunteers.

  3. No lingering or loitering after event except to complete your wash.

  4. Three load limit-no exceptions

  5. No pre loading washers before event time

Guías de Amor de Lavandería:

  1. Sea respetuoso con la propiedad por dentro y por fuera.

  2. Sea respetuoso con todos los miembros de la comunidad, personal y voluntarios.

  3. No se demore ni se merodee después del evento, excepto para completar su lavado.

  4. Tres límites de carga, sin excepciones

  5. No hay lavadoras de precarga antes de la hora del evento