Kids Ministry
Partnering with families to teach our kids to follow and be like Jesus
And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.
- “Deuteronomy 6:5-7 5
Family room with live-streamed service
3 to 7 years old (full class)
8 years old to 6th grade (full class)
Kids Church
During the 10:30am Sunday service
Kids Ministry Mission:
Partnering with families to teach our kids to follow and be like Jesus.
How do we do this? Each Sunday our kids will learn from the Bible and we will teach biblical truth in an engaging and fun environment (crafts, snacks, and small groups). Then, through our app “Parent Cue” you can reinforce and live out what they learned during the week.
Where do I take my kids for check in?
At the beginning of the 10:30 service, we worship together as a family, for one song. Then we dismiss the children to Kid’s Church.
The Orange Analogy
Our approach to kid’s ministry
Yellow symbolizes the church and light. Delivering Biblical teaching and a formative environment for kids as they mature in their faith.
Red symbolizes the home and love. Nothing influences kids more than family.
Orange symbolizes the church and the home mixed together.
Next Gen Strategy and Vision
Starting with the end in mind. You have 936 weeks with each of your children. So, our strategy is to be intentional with the church and home to spiritually form each child.
The Big 5. Each child needs 5 other adults to mentor them and support them. Who are your kid’s big 5?
Reinforcement. We use Orange Curriculum and each week the Parent Cue app reinforces the Biblical teaching of the week.
It’s just a phase, so don’t miss it!
Visit our parent resource wall by our children’s ministry entrance stairwell to receive resources for your child’s unique phase.
Parent Cue App
Develop your child’s character
with expertise from childhood development leaders, educators, and real parents just like you.
Build an everyday faith
through fun Bible story videos, memory verses, prayers, and conversation prompts.
Establish a lasting connection
by making the most of the moments you already spend together at morning time, meal time, drive time, and bedtime.